What is I-TAP-PD?
International Teacher-Artist Partnership (I-TAP-PD) PD is an exciting project which focuses on enabling teachers and artists to jointly develop their understanding, expertise and creativity in ‘arts in education’ work with children and young people in education, community and arts settings. It offers a unique opportunity for teachers and artists to explore the nature and educational value of partnerships in supporting arts education in early and Primary school education.
The ultimate aim of Erasmus+ I-TAP-PD is to create innovative professional development (PD) opportunities, innovative intellectual outputs and resources to enable both teachers and artists to challenge, develop and potentially transform their practices for the benefit of the children they teach and the school communities in which they work at a trans-European level and beyond. The enhanced practices that will emerge as a result of this collaboration will be the subject of fresh international research and innovation.

Objectives are to develop an international model I-TAP-PD with a training programme and resource materials that are transferable across various jurisdictions, are adaptable to different contexts and incorporate the best practices from each of our participating countries. We will disseminate this practice across Europe and beyond by holding a number of Multiplier events. All materials and resources developed will be free, FAIR and openly available.
The project will result in development of a final I-TAP-PD Programme with on-line Research and Evaluation Output & translated resources which will be accessible and downloadable through the project’s public Digital Resources Platform for disseminating all the project’s outputs. It will include presentations and analysis of best I-TAP-PD practice, to target groups and stakeholders in all European countries. Target groups will be able to use all resource outputs on the DRP as a whole, or separate items from it independently of the final I-TAP-PD training programme and handbook or in association with them.

Who are we?
The Education Centre Tralee / IRELAND
Tralee Education Centre (TEC) is one of a national network of 30 Education Centres charged by the Irish Government Department of Education and Skills with providing Continuing Professional Development for teachers in all the Republic of Ireland’s schools.
Center for Drama in Education and Art CEDEUM / SERBIA
Centre for drama in education and art CEDEUM is an organization founded in 1999. and since then it has been continuously active in the fields of culture, education and social activism. The main aim of the organization is the promotion and affirmation of the drama/theatre art and creation in all fields and all levels of education and art.
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-GR) / GREECE
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-GR) is an association of teachers and artists for the promotion of research on and practice of theatre, educational drama and other performing arts within formal and non-formal education.
Stichting Kopa / THE NETHERLANDS
Stichting Kopa is an arts education NGO from Utrecht in the Netherlands.
Kopa initiates projects that aim at more creativity in schools, and in society as a whole. Kopa believes that more creativity brings color, meaning and joy to each life. It facilitates new ideas and solutions for complex ‘wicked’ problems. Our website informs about the activities of the organization.
The project in its initial phase had as the fifth partner also PAEDAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE NIEDERÖSTERREICH from Austria. Unfortunately, due to the complicated situation and obstacles considering the pandemic, this partner had to leave the project.