Stichting Kopa

Stichting Kopa is an arts education NGO from Utrecht in the Netherlands. 

Kopa initiates projects that aim at more creativity in schools, and in society as a whole. Kopa beliefs that more creativity brings colour, meaning and joy to each life. It facilitates new ideas and solutions for complex ‘wicked’ problems. Our website informs about the activities of the organization. 

At this moment Kopa’s main focus is on enhancing education by bringing more creativity into each classroom. Through our project PIONIER! we support teachers and schools to facilitate a creative learning environment. Kopa supports by creating creative lessons and using art as a starting point for learning processes in all school subjects. Kopa trains teachers in the classroom and inspire them to work in a process-oriented didactic. 

Another project we are currently working on is ‘Chilling with Heritage’. In this project we aim to spark the curiosity of children for their local heritage by using creative and associative assignments. The children then define their own research question, do the research and create an artwork based on their findings. They are supported by their teachers, by heritage experts and by artists in this process. 

The name Kopa is derived from cooperation. By building programs through partnerships with all sorts of organisations and learning from each others expertise we magnify our reach and strengthen the quality of our work. 

Stichting Kopa

… supports the implementation of cultural education and the promotion of creativity as part of general education for mainly primary schools. 

… creates arts education for students / teachers / educators and makes this available in inspirational database on 

… organizes teacher trainings (workshops/co-teaching) with focus on Arts Education and on the artistic-creative subjects. 

… promotes cultural and creative learning as a way of tackling topics such as identity, diversity and inclusion in the classroom.

 … works in partnerships with primary schools, cultural organisations and teacher-training colleges.

Team of the I-TAP-PD project:

Linda Rosink
Manja Eland
Klaas Dijkstra
Lotte Vernooy
Sarie Victoria
Yalda Shahidi