The Belgrade Multiplier Event organized by CEDEUM took the form of a Symposium with the name “Creative Potentials of Partnership Between Teachers and Artists” as part of the IX Children’s and Young People’s Theatre Festival MATER TERRA in the space of the Student City Cultural Centre in Belgrade. The Symposium was tailored for the professional development of teachers and artists, through the presentation of the results of the ERASMUS+ project I-TAP-PD (International Teacher-Artist Partnership Professional Development), in which CEDEUM is one of the partners. The project is focused on the development of the partnership between teachers and artists, and during the symposium, the creative potentials of mutual cooperation and creative ways to strengthen the practice will be explored, as well as the opportunities that such partnership offers to teachers and artists individually, but also the educational system itself. The Serbian artistic residencies in schools were presented on the Symposium, experiences from the region, as well as the results of the research of the project itself. This two-day Symposium and Symposium has over 150 participants, artists, teachers, experts, stakeholders from Serbia and different European countries as well as the children and young people who were performing.

Due to the extensive network of CEDEUM’s associate partners, many dissemination techniques were being incorporated and the call for participants was sent several previous to the event. An online registration form was available, and a close survey of the course of applications will be conducted.

The Symposium fully fulfilled its goal: it promoted and disseminated the Intellectual Outcomes of the project, but also worked on advocacy for the project and its results together with the media visibility of art education partnerships in the field of arts education. It was also beneficial for the formation of a larger art education network of teachers and artists, in Serbia, with the goal of support, exchange and future multidisciplinary projects and collaborations.
Program of the Symposium:
Friday, 18th November 2022.
09.30-10.00h: Participants registration
10.00-11.00h: How it all started: presentation of the TAP project from Ireland Jennifer Buggie i Vera McGrath-Tralee Education Centre, Irska
11.30-13.00h: I-TAP-PD Project presentation: Linda Rosink- Stichting KOPA, The Netherlands, Despoina Mitsiali TeNET GR, Greece, Vera McGrath-Tralee Education Centre, Ireland, Nikola Koruga and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić CEDEUM, Srbija
14.00-15.30h: Round table: The Importance of Creative Arts Education: Case studies from the region Participants: Vlado Krušić, HCDO, Croatia, Sead Djulić, CDO, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Helena Korošec, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Monika Necpálová, Thalia teatar, Slovakia
15.30-16.00h: Presentation of two I-TAP-PD residencies from Belgrade schools: Anđa Jočić i Anastasia Tasić- CEDEUM, Danijela Bojković-OŠ Josif Pančić
16.30h-17.30h: Workshop: “The Big Adventure of the Little People”
Saturday, 19th November
Matter Terra festival. Presentations of Children’s and Youth performances, Round Tables, Workshops, Professional Development of Drama Teachers