Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-GR) / GREECE

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-GR)
is an association of teachers and artists for the promotion of research on and practice of theatre, educational drama and other performing arts within formal and non-formal education.

The Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) is a voluntary, non-profit association of teachers and artists for the promotion of practice and research on theatre/drama and other performing arts in formal and non-formal education contexts. Some of the members of ΤΕΝet-Gr are highly qualified and skilled practitioners and theoreticians (teachers, theatre/drama pedagogues, artists, youth facilitators) in the areas of drama/theatre in education, theatre for development, active citizenship etc. TENet-Gr currently has approx. 300 active members and more than 2000 members in total. TENet-Gr started in 1998, by teachers who felt the need for continuous training and research. As an initiative it developed rapidly, it gained partners in all regions of the country, and it was connected with educational, cultural and arts institutions throughout Greece and abroad. Over the years TENet-Gr has generated a wealth of cultural education action.

TENet-Gr organizes/runs:

Regular practical training seminars for teachers, facilitators and young people, the Athens International Theatre/ Drama in Education Conference, the annual Theatre Summer Camp, projects in schools for and with youth groups. It publishes books and the annual “Education and Theatre Journal”.

Projects/ recent areas of activity:

“Theatre and Education” Journal: a journal for the promotion of research on and practice of drama/ theatre and other performing arts in formal and non-formal education. Published in Greek and English annually since 2001.

“It could be me, it could be you”: an awareness raising project, targeting the educational community at large, on the issues of refugees and human rights, with the use of experiential learning, theatre and educational drama techniques. The project is organised and implemented in Greece since 2015 in association with and the support of UNHCR Greece (UN Agency for Refugees) The project and its educational material is approved by the Greek Institute of Educational Policy & the Greek Ministry of Education and is accredited by IDEA-International Drama/Theatre & Education Association and approved as an “IDEA Land and Home” project

The Athens International Theatre/ Drama in Education Conference: in 2018 TENet-Gr delivered the 8th Athens International Conference on Theatre and the Performing Arts in Education, entitled “Utopia or Necessity?”. A bilingual publication (Greek & English) based on Conference’s keynotes, presentations and workshops was published in 2019 (http://theatroedu.gr/en/What-we-do/Our-books/theatredrama-and-performing-arts-in-education-utopia-or-necessity)

Theatre Summer Camps: in August 2019 TENet-Gr delivered the 18th Theatre Summer Camp, “Stories in Motion”. For a week delegates (teachers, youths, facilitators) were invited to participate in a number of workshops on puppetry, tribal storytelling, theatre for freedom and personal empowerment, etc.

“Sto Epikentro”: a collaboration with ActionAid Hellas, during the period 2017-2020. “Epikentro”, a centre for action and change, offers free services for adults and innovative programmes for children and teenagers, aiming at helping them solve the problems that the financial crisis brought in their lives. TENet-Gr offered different Theatre-In-Education workshops for adults and children.

“The Quarantine Monologues” aims at voicing the emotions and views of teenage refugee residents of a series of accomodation facilities across Greece, during the temporary, general lockdown that was induced by the COVID19 pandemic in the period between March and May 2020. Τhe teenage refugees participated in 15 online creative writing workshops facilitated by three Greek writers. After the creative writing workshops end, the texts are included in a special publication in Greek and English

European Collaborations

Europe in Perspective: Transnational Training on Diversity in Cultural Learning (2017-2019): The aim of the project was the creation of a training module and manual for artists and teachers, on diversity and multi-cultural learning through the arts.

Global Curiosity (February 2020-): An exchange of good practices programme, in collaboration with Curious Minds (UK) and the Malopolska Institute of Culture (Poland)

Team of the I-TAP-PD project:
Betty Giannouli
Vassia Kossiva
Georgina Kakoudaki
Eirini Marna
Thanasis Zeritis
Yolika Poulopoulou